My first play was one of 8 finalists for the 2020 Radius Drama Award, which focuses on work that explores the history and significance of religion.

Despite being an atheist, I have a long-standing fascination with religion and belief. 'Naked is the Realm', which I produced with student actors in my college chapel in 2016, is set during the Protestant Reformation in France.
It's a story about censorship, both of medical diagrams showing naked bodies in print for the first time, and of the text of the Bible which was being revealed to popular audiences through vernacular translations which put the authors' lives at risk.
I have a deep admiration for the early Protestants, who believed that the letter of their faith should be available to every human being, male or female, rich or poor. They were brave enough to challenge the established church and paved the way for soaring literacy rates, a prioritisation of knowledge in society, and ultimately, the Enlightenment.
You can find out more about 'Naked is the Realm' and see more production photos by clicking on the 'Plays' tab.
